Well it appears E.coli is in the Chippewa River for another summer. While the levels remain safe, that got me thinking..On a hot day where do I find water in Mid-Michigan? Back to the poor mighty Chip; reports came out yesterday from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe’s environmental team, citing high levels of E.coli in parts of the river. According to Carey Pauquette, the river becomes more contaminated as it heads East towards Mt Pleasant and more populated areas, the river is still safe for tubing, kayaking etc., but is it worth the risk?
I have been known to carry a tube in my trunk. Tubing down the Chip is one the most relaxing thing one can do in Mid-Michigan. However, it is not worth getting sick. Also, the thought that it is human feces causing the contamination is a little unnerving. So, what’s next on those hot days? Where do I find water in Mid-Michigan??
It’s not easy, we live pretty far from the great lakes. A trip to beautiful Pentwater, Michigan and Charles Mears Park is a great day trip, but takes the whole day. What about that after work lake getaway?
We still have a lot of options, Stevenson Lake is a beautiful lake, that is much bigger that you think and is located just 5 miles southwest of Clare! You can find great fishing on Stevenson Lake, with a lot of pan fish, and has a public boat launch, and if the day is too nice and needs to become a night you can find a great place to spend a night at Sunset Shores Cottages.

Fishing isn’t your thing, you want to take the kids to swim? Head to Coldwater Lake, just an eighteen-minute drive from Mount Pleasant. Kids and parents can enjoy a wonderful beach at Coldwater Lake Family Park. Not quite as big as our Lake Michigan parks, this park does a great job of accommodating Mid-Michiganders on much needed beach trips, and kids love the playground! Watch out if you go on the weekend, it will be packed!

So next time you think; where do i find water in Mid-Michigan? These are just a couple places you can put your feet in the water and toes in the sand just a hop, skip, and a jump away from home! E.coli free! Stay tuned all summer for more quick getaway lake opportunities!