Beal City baseball and softball…They just get it done year after year.  If there was ever a sign of things pointing back to the direction we are used to maybe this is a start!  Beal City baseball and softball winning district titles, so join us for our exclusive coverage of the Aggies as they look to make it to MSU and the State Finals!!  Things start Wednesday with the boys in Muskegon to take on playoff rival Muskegon Catholic Central, first pitch at 4 o’clock on Buck92.3FM and  If the boys win they move to Clare for action on Saturday vs TBD.  The Aggie girls are all set to play this coming Saturday at home, just one win away from the Regional final, they face Portland St Patrick Saturday at 11:45.  We will be in Clare or Beal Saturday with updates from where we are not!  Go Aggies and thanks to all those who support local High School Sports with Buck92!