Some people love the Holidays, while others seem do despise the holidays. I love them myself! I have never understood how some peeople dislike the holiday season, unless they have a particular bad memory around the holiday season. I think those who dislike this time of year can forget what it’s all about GIVING! If you despise the holidays, I have five things you can do that will ensure that your holiday will be filled with joy and happiness! Warning it is all about giving back!

1) Donate to a local charity, getting gifts and goods for local charities is always a great feeling, but monetary donations go so much further in the hands of organizations such as Toys for Tots, The United Way, and others. They get unreal deals through other charity giving companies…For example with the My1043 fill-a-mayflower; the United Way was able to purchase 1000 pounds of food for every $100 donation received, and thanks to those in the community we received over $4000 in monetary donations!
2) Help out at the soup kitchen or other food pantries. The Isabella County Soup Kitchen is always in need of volunteers over the holiday season as most CMU students leave the area to return home. If you have an afternoon with some time on your hands head to the Isabella County Soup Kitchen on Adams Street to help out.
3) Random acts of kindness…Have you ever had someone buy your coffee or drink in the drive thru? It always gives you a great feeling about humanity and I often try and pay it forward to the next person. If you are able, maybe you help that family with their holiday gifts. It always touches my heart when i hear of the people going to Wal-Mart or K-Mart and paying for everyone’s items that are on lay-away for Christmas, maybe someday I will have enough dough to do that!

4) Stop by a children’s hospital or an elderly care home. Many elderly folks are alone for the holidays and would love some company to play a board game, card game, or jsut chat about old holiday memories. Children’s hospital, well those youngsters aren’t home for the holidays and that just isn’t right… any visit, toy, or joy they receive over the holidays is a great thing and will surely the feeling you will get will be a gift to yourself.
5) Be kind- Mark Twain kinda says it all right there… maybe this should have been put out before black Friday, remember what we are celebrating. It isn’t about presents, food, and money. Without getting religious, Christmas is about spending time with family and having a jolly old time before we start another year of this great ride called life.