Chris here, and I have had the fortune of spending a lot of Memorial Day weekends with friends and family…It is always a special weekend, you get that extra day, school is out or almost out, and the weather. It may be June 21st on the calendar, however Memorial Day weekend is when summer begins in Michigan. There are four things for me that are key for a successful Memorial Day weekend.
1Friends and Family

That extra day off allows many people to travel and visit family and friends that they don’t see all that often. That extra day also allows you more time to relax, reminisce, and just enjoy others company. I picture my whole family sitting outside my cottage with plans for…nothing and it is great!
2Good Food and Drink
What makes being around friends and family better? Great food and good drinks (for those of age). Memorial Day weekend is the time to splurge a little bit. Get that top notch steak, skip the cheap beer and get something better. Back to that extra day off, if you drink too much you have another day to recover.

We are blessed to live in Michigan and be surrounded by so much beautiful lake shore and those little lakes are great too. Memorial Day weekend is often the first time many of us gather at the water. Whether on a boat, dock, surf board, relaxing at the pool, or the riverside; water gives you the feeling of vacation.

#4 is the most important.. Memorial Day, which was originally Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the USA. So anyone you know that served deserves a hand shake, and if you see a random veteran, thank them for their service as well. It is the sacrifice and bravery of those men that allow us to live in the greatest country in the world. I highly recommend checking out the Vietnam Memorial at Island Park.