With the recent passing of Muhammad Ali, one cannot help but to reflect on the difference he made in the world. He made decisions that were brash and bold, he stood his ground for what he believed, not questioning the consequences. As I watched the memorial videos and saw how he impacted lives I began to think about those who have impacted my life and who inspire me every day. You know I am a sports nut, my favorite NFL player is Eric Berry. Not just because of his skill, but his will. Berry’s story of returning to the field only months after being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is amazing!

We all have friends, family, co-workers, and rivals that inspire us every day. Whether it be the co-worker dealing with personal issues who makes it into work with a smile every day. Or maybe the person making your lunch (along with 50 others lunch) who somehow remembers your name and exactly what you want. Or every time I see a member of the military I feel like I should shake their hand (I try to do so, unless I am intimidated).

Those people touch our lives every day and it goes unnoticed. Those people inspire us every day, even if we don’t think about it. Jenny at lunch inspires you to get to remember every one’s name. That co-worker makes you feel like a dufus for complaining about your little issue in life. Who plays an important role in your life that goes unnoticed? Take time to appreciate those who help you and those who help others!
I can think of a lot of people who help me in my life, but one that sticks out right now is my friend Gina. She is currently working at an orphanage in Haiti and loving every second of it! It took a lot of guts and faith to decide to embark on this journey, but she did it! She is a friend who is several years younger than I am, but years ahead of me in character. She is inspires me every day to get better in every way, please check out her blog!

My Grandma Gwen is one of the toughest people I know. I have seen her get up, pop her knee back in place and then just keep rolling like it is nothing! Those are just a couple of examples of people who inspire me every second of my day, who inspires you every day? Let them know and let us know!