Well some schools have had their season postponed, and hopefully they will be able to finish the season.  However, this all has an eerily similar feel to last March when basketball was abruptly ended.  For our five ultra-local schools; at least they got a season in.  As our final two squads Beal City and Sacred Heart fell this past weekend.  Parents got to watch seniors for their last year and for the players, they got to take the field.  The final thought I have at the end of our football broadcasting season and hopefully just a delay in the MHSAA tournament is thank you.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was football.

Thanks to the MHSAA for doing what they could to have a football season and do it as safe as possible.  Thanks to all the administrators for making sure the facilities were prepared for teams, officials, cheerleaders, bands, and for the fans that were able to be there.  Also, thanks to those fans who did attend.  In a time when people needed to come together, they did.  There was no one upset at a football game for this reason or that, everyone was simply happy to be spending a Friday night where they wanted to be.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was football.

Thanks to the officials for making sure kids have the opportunity to play the sport they love.  Most officials have other jobs, and they do this on the side for a lil extra coin, and because they enjoy it.  This would have been the year for an official shortage, and there may have been some games moved to accommodate this or possibly crews with one less official.  Regardless. The fact is the games happened and these officials were there.  They are truly the unsung heroes, because without them the games do not happen.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was football.

To everyone out there that listened to our games this past season, thank you!  From the bottom of our hearts we appreciate you so much, it’s  an honor for myself and Bret Hyble to bring you high school football.  Thanks to all the schools for allowing us to come and once again thanks for listening. We aren’t perfect, but its football.

Finally to the coaches and players thank you.  From not having a season one moment, to kick off just a couple weeks later; this season was a wild ride for a radio broadcaster.   I cannot even imagine as a coach or a player.  From monitoring health conditions every day, online or in person school, possibly having to quarantine, maybe having to forfeit, an emotional roller coaster is about the only way to describe this season, yet it happened.  That is because of the will and determination of players and coaches alike.  Each week started with a win by just being able to take the field and play one more game with and for your friends and family.  The scores this year were secondary…All of these kids and teams are champions for overcoming the adversity of this year and being able to step on the field and provide all of us with  a reminder of how great our lives are.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was football.  On second thought, it was perfect, just as high school sports always are!