Well here we are. Its the dead of winter and no one wants to go anywhere or do anything, but you cant sit inside all winter! I know its cold, but Michigan has some great winter activities, that require that cold and snow for all the fun. Here are a few ways to get the family out and make some Michigan winter memories!

Obviously there are a ton of skiing opportunities all over the state of Michigan, but there are some right here in the Mid-Michigan area. Snow Snake Mountain Ski area is an awesome place to get skiing, snowboarding, or if your looking for something a little easier the provide tubing as well. Don’t forget Snow Snake also offer a great golf experience once all this snow is gone. Snow Snake is in Harrison a short and easy trip up 127 from Mt. Pleasant, Clare, or Alma. Another place that I went to as a youngster is in Kalamazoo. The Echo alley Winter Sports Park is just awesome. Tubing, tobogganing, and a huge ice skating rink offers a lot of fun. If you have never been a a toboggan it is crazy fun, you can get going over 50 mph!

Sledding is something that I did almost everyday in the winter as a kid; and every time i have gone as an adult it was a blast and I always think; “why don’t i do this more?” Well hopefully I can do more sledding this year and Leonard’s Hill in Mt Pleasant is a pretty good spot. There are hills everywhere just waiting for you to grab that saucer, sled, or if ya wanna get crazy the flattened cardboard and go for a ride. Recommendation for adults, leave the kids and bring some drinks!

I have friends who can ice fish everyday all day in the winter, now I cant do that. However, an early morning on a peaceful lake with some friends is a great time. If you have never been ice fishing it is worth a try, it is much different than your normal fishing. You can set tip ups (explanation of a tip up here) and leave them be. Also, there isn’t as much reeling and no casting with ice fishing as you just drill a hole and wait for the fish to come to you and drink coffee and hot cocoa (with fireball of course).

This one is much different from the first three, it can be dangerous, and its quite the drive and heck I am not even sure if they will be around this year. Regardless, another bucket list item for every Michigander is to visit the Leelanau ice caves. It is hard to describe the majestic beauty, yeah i said majestic beauty as that is the only description that comes to mind. Check out some breathtaking photos and more information here.