Good boys and girls aren’t the only ones who deserve a little love this Easter! Mom and Dad should have some hidden baskets of goodies waiting on Easter morning. Here are some ideas the old Bunny has dredged up for goodie ideas for the adults in the family!
1The “Meester” Basket

Dad (or insert male figure in your life) will love this array of bro gifts that’ll leave him hopping for joy! What man would like a little more beer or manly scent bars, his favorite BBQ sauces or meat sticks? All of them… the answer is all of them. AND no need to buy a fancy basket…dudes don’t do baskets! Duh! Just fill the carton your beer came in (or don’t, see if we care!) with the guy goodies and watch their eyes glaze over with happiness. (Let’s be real, they just ‘drank’ their basket, they’re drunk. Leave them be. They’re happy.)
2The “Beacher” Basket

For the “Beach Bum Mum” on your list…you can make this stylish basket out of a beach bag and fill it with sunblock, flip flops, shades, snacks, or maybe a Corona or 3! Easter just got a little ‘beachy keen’ thanks to this gift.
3“Egg-stra” Special Candy Carton

If you know a grown up who compartmentalizes EVERYTHING, is a bit OCD or is just old enough to live by pill boxes with the day of the week on it…this sectioned out carton of tooth decay is for them! Fill an egg carton with Peeps (if you’re gross), candy, jellybeans or whatever portioned out sugary treat you wish.
And there you have it! Adults can feel like a kid again with a special little package from that giant rabbit that invades our homes every Spring. If he doesn’t come, well, then you just weren’t good enough. Work on your behaviors and put one together for yourself, I say. (I say, because I didn’t get one. So, we know what THAT means.) Happy Easter from Tina! Kisses!