As we reported separately, Los Angeles police are investigating the death of noted Hollywood therapist Amie Harwick. Just days after taking heat for her comments about the LGBTQ community, Wendy Williams has landed herself in even more hot water after joking about Harwick’s untimely death.

During her show yesterday, Wendy broke down the sad news – Harwick was found unconscious and injured under a three-story balcony, and authorities have arrested her ex-boyfriend Gareth Pursehouse under suspicion of murder. But then? First a comment that Harwick was “killed not by Drew” – as in Drew Carey, Harwick’s ex-fiancée.

The segment went downhill quickly as Williams used the famous “The Price Of Right” line, “come on down!” The audience got quiet and things got awkward as Wendy looked up and down, seeming to reference Harwick’s deadly fall. As you could probably expect, the Twitterverse has exploded over the “joke.”

Source: “The Wendy Williams Show”