Home Around Mid-Michigan MDOT Reminds Drivers To Stay Alert When Orange Barrels Are Around Around Mid-MichiganLocal News MDOT Reminds Drivers To Stay Alert When Orange Barrels Are Around By My 1043 - April 9, 2019 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Michigan Department of Transportation wants to remind everyone that this week is National Work Zone Awareness Week. Drivers are urged to take it easy and stay alert when orange barrels are around. TRENDING NOW Sanford man found not guilty October 13, 2023 Eight-point buck crashes into family home October 25, 2023 Gladwin man murder suspect identified October 26, 2023 MAN SHOOTS NINE AT SPLASH PAD IN DETROIT SUBURB THEN TAKES... June 17, 2024 Load more FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @my1043fm 304 Followers Follow VIDEOMy WorldAlton Brown is the Food Savior Your Fridge NeedsKyle Sandel - April 20, 20170HollywoodNetflix Announces May 2017 Additions and RemovalsKyle Sandel - April 20, 20170My WorldThis 5-Minute Long Domino Course is INSANE!Kyle Sandel - January 20, 20170TravelThis Stunning Mackinac Island Footage Will Help You Forget WinterKyle Sandel - January 3, 20170