Some township technical difficulties at voting precincts in Isabella County leaves the probate judge election up in the air. As of 430 this morning Lincoln, Fremont and Coldwater Townships had not been counted. The Morning Sun reports that just 155 votes separate fourth place from first, which is too close to call.


Millage renewals for the Chippewa District Library and Isabella County parks and recreation were approved. Shepherd School District voters also approved their millage and a bond proposal was approved for Coleman Community School District.


Not all tallies are in but it looks like Dave Barberi has won the Republican primary for Isabella County’s Prosecutor seat. He will face Democratic contender Larry King in the November election.


High voter turnout blasted out  proposals to form planning and zoning boards independent from the county.  Republican Rick Outman was leading over his primary opponent, Greg Alexander, and will compete for the local 33rdDistrict Michigan Senate seat in November. With 91 percent of the precincts in the five-county district reporting, Democrat Mark Bignell was leading over John Hoppough to run for that Senate seat in November.


Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette will be the Republican nominee for governor and will face  former state senate minority leader Gretchen Whitmer for the Governor’s race. The two now have about 90 days until the general election.


Mt. Pleasant attorney Kristen Brown won the Democratic nomination in 99th District state House race. She will take on Republican incumbent Roger Hauck in November.