The Sagamok gas station has been a hub of the Mount Pleasant community as long as I can remember. For a gas station there could not be a better location, right at one of the busiest intersections in the area. In the past I have had friends who have worked there, and I loved the A&W. The Sagamok station had its grand opening today and is now known as the Sagamok Express Mobil. It looks forward to continuing to be a hub of the community for years to come. I was fortunate to be there for the fun. There was a ribbon cutting, cupcakes, music, prizes, to be short it was a great time! Chief Frank Clouiter was kind enough to be there and even came on air with yours truly.

The Mino Ode Singers gave a great performance as they sang a beautiful welcome song. Fritz Kuhlman was on hand to talk about the goal of the new store is to help better serve their customers. The Sagamok Express Mobil features brand new gas pumps, will have the entire parking lot resurfaced, and the inside is going to get a face lift.

On site is an Orange County Chopper designed for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. I have never seen a chopper like this, especially in person. The artwork is absolutely brilliant. The picture below doesn’t do it justice. Make sure to stop in soon to see the bike at the Sagamok Express Mobil before it is back at the Ziibiwing Museum.

Another great reason to stop into the Sagamok Express Mobil is the giveaways and great deals that they always have. In the month of June they gave away a whole camp site! This month they are giving away a couple of really nice canoes. What other gas station does that? You need to get your gas anyway, why not register to win some excellent prizes while you’re at it. Ask the staff inside for details. Stop in to the brand new Sagamok Express Mobil located at the corner of Leaton and Broadway Roads. The staff looks forward to serving you for many years ahead.